After spending far too much time sifting through other people's blogs, I've decided to toss my hat into the ring of bloggingdom. I know what you're thinking: "Great. Just what the internet(s) need(s), more subjective banter to clog up the infinite bottleneck that is the Google search." So how will mine be any different? It won't be. Same basic stuff, just a different blogger. Moreover, like others, I will focus on what intrigues me and maybe...just might peak the curiosity of the select few who stumble upon my blog. Nonetheless, before I begin, there are a couple of things I need to clarify for my readers. Most notably, my use of the second person pronoun "you" may be a bit confusing at first. No, I'm not speaking directly to "you"...rather, since it's my blog, I reserve the right to use my own variety of the majestic plural. However, in place of the royal "we", I shall speak unto the highest reaches of the world wide web(s) when I refer to "you". Think of it as if I am speaking to the everyman of cyberspace...just not specifically you. Additionally, one might notice my lack of consensus regarding how many internets actually exist. Is there just one internet? Maybe. More than one? Probably. Who am I to decide. Afterall, if there's just one internet in the universe, wouldn't that just be a big waste of space? Why have one internet, when you can have two for twice the price? All Contact references aside, hence forth, the parenthetical presence around the "s" following internet, world wide web, and interweb will represent my search for truth.
Moving right along. In the words of the politically correct version of a Black Eyed Peas' aural delight, "let's get it started...hah...let's get started in here...yeah." I'm not sure if "hah" and "yeah" fall within the original lyrical structure (or if they even appeared in the original recording), and I'm sure Kate will call me out with regards to my lyrical accuracy as she so often does. Apparently, according to her, I don't know the lyrics to any song...or at least I don't remember them in a way consistent with the original musicians' intent. Instead, the moth-filled-long-term-memory-vaults of my brain tend to recall the musical lexicon in a more self-serving such, I can make any song relate to any emotion or moment in's a gift really. It's kind of like the Simpson's episode where Homer recalls a prior evening's dinner party. In his mind, he spoke eloquently and acted distinguished, but in reality, he got shit-canned and stared at Maude Flanders' tah-tahs. On second thought, maybe that wasn't the most appropriate analogy. You get the idea though. Back to the topic of memory...I know the jury is still out on science, but I believe some Cognitive Psychologists found that the more you access a memory, the more it strays from the actual events (yeah, I'm pretty sure I poached that study off a podcast of RadioLab). So moral of the story, maybe I should just stop remembering things quite so often. I'll start now...I mean, it is winter break after all. Goodbye toothbrush.
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